Thursday 13 October 2011

Purpose of interviews

Interviews are used for different purposes; 

Some are for research into something. This is needed in the news when reporters need to interview people to find out what is going on, for example a witness to a shooting. It also helps to find more things out about a person or a specific thing. This video shows a man being interviewed who is a first hand witness of some of the riots. He gives long answers as it is him telling us what happened so their is no need for the reporter to ask questions. It is good because we can get all the information off someone who has seen it first hand but they can sometimes make mistakes.

Some are to help you understand something as you find out more about it, when doing interviews on documentaries it helps you understand what is going on and what is being talked about. They help understand things that are going on. This interview taken from living with Michael Jackson helps us understand him a lot more and makes the documentary on him make sense. It is good because we get an insight into his life and he tells us about all the rumours, so we understand him more. The disadvantages are that the interviewer has to be careful with the questions  he asks so he can have a good relationship with Michael Jackson so he still answers some hard questions.  

Other interviews are to inform people about a subject or a person, celebrity interviews informs readers or viewers about the celebrity and sometimes gives you an insight in their lives. Other inform interviews are ones from documentaries to inform you on all the information they are getting across to the viewers. This beyonce video lets her fans know about her pregnancy. the interviewer doesn't need to ask any questions because it is just her letting us know she is pregnant.

Interpretive interview is where the interviewee is asked to explain or comment on something. The aim of this interview is to get an opinion or reaction from the person that is being interviewed.

Some interviews are used for emotion purpose and get more viewers as they are doing an emotional interview about someone or something and it gets more intimate with the person. It is a sensitive interview and is where the interviewer has to respect and be sensitive towards the interviewee. For example on the news, when someone is being interviewed about a family member that has been murdered then they would have to be spoken to in a nice way and given time if they cant answer a certain question. This video is piers morgan talking to Cheryl Cole about her life and about her divorce. The advangage of an emotional interview is that we see 

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