Wednesday 19 October 2011

Intervew Techniques- Structuring

Introduction - All interviews need to start with the indrodction where the interviewer introduces who they are interviewing and the topic they are talking about. The interviewee needs to feel relaxed as the intervew starts so they will answer all the questions. In this clip, Jonathan Ross introduces Lady Gaga with a video of her and all her songs. This is good because she feels more confident and welcomed but if is bad because their is less time for the actual interview.

Development Questions - This makes the interviewee feel more relaxed about the whole interview just asking 'how are you?' will make the interviewee more realxed and feel as though they can answer the questions. Graham Norton asks about her new album and tour dates.

Confidece Buildng - Before all the questions, the interviewee needs some confidence building to structure the interview. This will make the questions easier for them to answer as they are now confident and trust the interviewer more. Here Jonathan Ross is building Adeles confidence when he talks about how she is big all over the world now.

Key Questions - The key questions are the most imporant part of the interview as it is the whole point of it and they are the aswers the interviewer wants. They are usually near the begining of the interview so the serious questions are out of the way and so the interviewer can find out what they want to know. Here Simon Cowell talks about the death of his dad.

Soundbites - These are the sections of the interview that can be taken out to advertise the whole intervew. They are normally funny, light-hearted parts of the interview. If at the end of the interview there is nothing that can be used for a soundbite then the interviewer will ask something that could be used. This is a good soundbite with Rihanna because it is funny and people would want to here the whole story.

Summery - At the end of the interview the intrviewer will ask one last question that summerises the whole interview and the whole topic of the inerview, it concludes te interview.

Windup - The windup is the very last part of the interview and is usually a light-hearted question and the interviewer thanking the interviewee. This interview ends with the red chair stories and ends the show very funnily with a lot of laughs.

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