Monday 10 October 2011

Journalistic Context

Journalistic context means all the different interviews techniques there are.
You can have - television,  radio, online,  news, sport, feature-writers, and editorial interviews.

  • Television interviews- There are many types of television interviews, the breaking news on the news programs or the hard news they have. They also have the light hearted interviews on chat shows like this morning or The Jonathan Ross Show. The interviews can be funny, light hearted and sometimes emotional.  
  • Radio interviews- Can be live on air or pre recorded. It is usually with the bands or artist that have brought a new album or single out and wants to promote it. There can sometimes be serious interviews on the news bits or on the more serious stations. Interviewers still have to use body language and say the occasional 'yes' to prompt the interviewee and so they sound interessted to the listeners.
  • Online- Online interviews can be written or filmed. They can appear on websites or blogs and can be serious or lighthearted. Most of them are promotional or celebrity interviews. Most television programmes have online catch up sites where they put all their interviews on. Magazines also have these so we can see the interview when we normally wouldnt. There are websites like you tube that loads of people upload interviews on. We normally are only able to hear radio interviews but now most radio shows also put their interviews online.

  • News- interviews are often very serious especially when its breaking news and they go live on air. They can be interviews with witnesses, police, criminals or politicians. They are a lot more serious than radio or chat show interviews as they are to inform people on what is happening around the world and get more information on something.

  • Sport- Every sports event has inteviews before and after the event, before the event people are interviewed to see how they are feeling and to sometimes predict what the outcome will be. A sport interview usually happens after the event has taken place and the sports person is the one being interviewed. For example, after a football match, some of the players will be interviewed and then the manager will be interviewed. 
  • Feature-Writers- Where the interview will be mentioned on the front page, this is usually with a celebrity on the cover of a celebrity magazine. someone will then write about the thing that has featured on the front page.   
  • Print- Where the interview is printed, in magazines and in newspapers. These intervews can be lighthearted,hard news depending on which magazing/newspaper it is in. A print article will have the question written followed by the answer. These interviews need to catch the readers attention so they are published in a magasine with extracts from the interview taken out and made bigger and bolder to catch the readers attention, just like when sound bites are taken from TV interviews.

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